Current Owner: Not known
Previous Owner(s): Steven Millward and others
Steven Millward wrote (05/10):
I am the owner of SXF701. I bought it recently to use as a stop gap until i could get my 86" painted. Since then I have bought a 107 pick up that was too original to turn down, but have now found a 107 station
wagon to restore. The SXF and maybe one other will have to go for sale soon to fund the SW. The engine is now a 2.25 petrol from a Series 2/3. The previous owner replaced the bulkhead but claims it did not have a
brass SXF plate (was not on the wing either).
I wouldn't worry about the lack of the brass plate — it would seem that for some reason not all Home Office vehicles had them... SXF870 has no indication that one was ever fitted.
In December 2017 I received an email from someone I'll just call 'Amy' for the moment. She said that SXF701 had once belonged to her grandfather:
It’s nice to see that the Land-Rover of my grandad's was actually being used, because through all my childhood I only ever saw it in the garage, and occasionally been pulled out to be started. He owned it for about 40 years.
Her grandfather has now passed away, and Amy would love to see the vehicle again.
Sadly Steven replied:
I was the man who bought SXF701 from your grandad — however I eventually sold it on locally to fund another Land-Rover. I contacted the new owner and unfortunately they parted with it this week to another owner after they sold the farm. It sold for £12000 and will receive a full restoration.
Such a pity that Amy missed the opportunity, but good news that the vehicle is being properly restored.
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