SXF 863

In answer to a query on the Series One Club Forum about Land-Rovers which were painted black at the factory, Colin Fox wrote:

SXF 863 was overpainted black, probably by Monmouthshire Ambulance Service to whom I assume it passed after Civil Defence duties. Minor internal alterations suggest that it was used to accommodate a stretcher (or body bag?), perhaps for recovery from remote locations?

In March 2016 Colin posted pictures to the LRSOC Forum, showing the extensive engine rebuild that he'd been carrying out. I'm not going to give all the details, or the pictures, but here's a selection. It was certainly a very thorough, technical rebuild, with extensive balancing of the rotary components.

SXF863 engine rebuild       SXF863 engine rebuild
SXF863 engine rebuild       SXF863 engine rebuild

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