TSV '3 Gold Watches' Page

3 Gold Watches

'3 Gold Watches' was commissioned by the Benefits Agency to explain how the State Retirement Pension is calculated and paid.
Made by Teeafit Sound & Vision and associates, it was used nationally at public events, retirement seminars etc, after being unveiled to the (then) Prime Minister, John Major.

Filmed in the scenic North York Moors and Tees Valley, it follows three people reaching retirement, and each being given presents (including a gold watch) by their colleagues. But each also has a pension query, which leads them to contact the Benefits Agency for advice. The complex explanations are clearly illustrated with animated graphics. Once the queries are answered, they are able to enjoy their retirement (and presents).

The retirees were played by local actors, ad-libbing in role-play situations with real Benefits Agency staff, at a local office, in a mobile advice centre and over the phone.

The programme was then entirely re-made in Welsh - graphics and all!

It was given the 1995 Best Non-Broadcast Video (Commercial) Award by the Royal Television Society (North East & The Border Centre).

If you order the CD version of this website through the 'Contact Me' page, you can see movie clips in both English and Welsh.

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